
Deep imitation learning for molecular inverse problems

Many measurement modalities arise from well-understood physical processes and result in information-rich but difficult-to-interpret data. Much of this data still requires laborious human interpretation. This is the case in nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy, where the observed spectrum of a molecule provides a distinguishing fingerprint of its bond structure. Here we solve the resulting inverse problem: given a molecular formula and a spectrum, can we infer the chemical structure? We show for a wide variety of molecules we can quickly compute the correct molecular structure, and can detect with reasonable certainty when our method cannot. We treat this as a problem of graph-structured prediction, where armed with per-vertex information on a subset of the vertices, we infer the edges and edge types. We frame the problem as a Markov decision process (MDP) and incrementally construct molecules one bond at a time, training a deep neural network via imitation learning, where we learn to imitate a subisomorphic oracle which knows which remaining bonds are correct. Our method is fast, accurate, and is the first among recent chemical-graph generation approaches to exploit per-vertex information and generate graphs with vertex constraints. Our method points the way towards automation of molecular structure identification and potentially active learning for spectroscopy.

Rapid prediction of NMR spectral properties with quantified uncertainty

Accurate calculation of specific spectral properties for NMR is an important step for molecular structure elucidation. Here we report the development of a novel machine learning technique for accurately predicting chemical shifts of both 1H and 13C nuclei which exceeds DFT-accessible accuracy for 13C and 1H for a subset of nuclei, while being orders of magnitude more performant. Our method produces estimates of uncertainty, allowing for robust and confident predictions, and suggests future avenues for improved performance.

Numpywren: Serverless Linear Algebra

Linear algebra operations are widely used in scientific computing and machine learning applications. However, it is challenging for scientists and data analysts to run linear algebra at scales beyond a single machine. Traditional approaches either require access to supercomputing clusters, or impose configuration and cluster management challenges. In this paper we show how the disaggregation of storage and compute resources in so-called ‘serverless’ environments, combined with compute-intensive workload characteristics, can be exploited to achieve elastic scalability and ease of management. We present numpywren, a system for linear algebra built on a serverless architecture. We also introduce LAmbdaPACK, a domain-specific language designed to implement highly parallel linear algebra algorithms in a serverless setting. We show that, for certain linear algebra algorithms such as matrix multiply, singular value decomposition, and Cholesky decomposition, numpywren's performance (completion time) is within 33% of ScaLAPACK, and its compute efficiency (total CPU-hours) is up to 240% better due to elasticity, while providing an easier to use interface and better fault tolerance. At the same time, we show that the inability of serverless runtimes to exploit locality across the cores in a machine fundamentally limits their network efficiency, which limits performance on other algorithms such as QR factorization. This highlights how cloud providers could better support these types of computations through small changes in their infrastructure.

DeepLoco: Fast 3D Localization Microscopy Using Neural Networks

Single-molecule localization super-resolution microscopy (SMLM) techniques like STORM and PALM have transformed cellular microscopy by substantially increasing spatial resolution. In this paper we introduce a new algorithm for a critical part of the SMLM process: estimating the number and locations of the fluorophores in a single frame. Our algorithm can analyze a 20000-frame experimental 3D SMLM dataset in about one second - substantially faster than real-time and existing algorithms. Our approach is straightforward but very different from existing algorithms: we train a neural network to minimize the Bayes’ risk under a generative model for single SMLM frames. The neural network maps a frame directly to a collection of fluorophore locations, which we compare to the ground truth using a novel loss function. While training the neural network takes several hours, it only has to be done once for a given experimental setup. After training, localizing fluorophores in new images is extremely fast - orders of magnitude faster than existing algorithms. Faster recovery opens the door to real-time calibration and accelerated acquisition, and future work could tackle more complicated optical systems and more realistic simulators.

Flare prediction using photospheric and coronal image data

The precise physical process that triggers solar flares is not currently understood. Here we attempt to capture the signature of this mechanism in solar-image data of various wavelengths and use these signatures to predict flaring activity. We do this by developing an algorithm that i) automatically generates features in 5.5 TB of image data taken by the Solar Dynamics Observatory of the solar photosphere, chromosphere, transition region, and corona during the time period between May 2010 and May 2014, ii) combines these features with other features based on flaring history and a physical understanding of putative flaring processes, and iii) classifies these features to predict whether a solar active region will flare within a time period of 𝑇 hours, where 𝑇=2 and 24 . Such an approach may be useful since, at the present time, there are no physical models of flares available for real-time prediction. We find that when optimizing for the True Skill Score (TSS), photospheric vector-magnetic-field data combined with flaring history yields the best performance, and when optimizing for the area under the precision–recall curve, all of the data are helpful. Our model performance yields a TSS of 0.84±0.03 and 0.81±0.03 in the 𝑇=2 - and 24-hour cases, respectively, and a value of 0.13±0.07 and 0.43±0.08 for the area under the precision–recall curve in the 𝑇=2 - and 24-hour cases, respectively. These relatively high scores are competitive with previous attempts at solar prediction, but our different methodology and extreme care in task design and experimental setup provide an independent confirmation of these results. Given the similar values of algorithm performance across various types of models reported in the literature, we conclude that we can expect a certain baseline predictive capacity using these data. We believe that this is the first attempt to predict solar flares using photospheric vector-magnetic field data as well as multiple wavelengths of image data from the chromosphere, transition region, and corona, and it points the way towards greater data integration across diverse sources in future work.

Occupy the Cloud: Distributed Computing for the 99%

Distributed computing remains inaccessible to a large number of users, in spite of many open source platforms and extensive commercial offerings. While distributed computation frameworks have moved beyond a simple map-reduce model, many users are still left to struggle with complex cluster management and configuration tools, even for running simple embarrassingly parallel jobs. We argue that stateless functions represent a viable platform for these users, eliminating cluster management overhead, fulfilling the promise of elasticity. Furthermore, using our prototype implementation, PyWren, we show that this model is general enough to implement a number of distributed computing models, such as BSP, efficiently. Extrapolating from recent trends in network bandwidth and the advent of disaggregated storage, we suggest that stateless functions are a natural fit for data processing in future computing environments.

Could a Neuroscientist understand a Microprocessor?

There is a popular belief in neuroscience that we are primarily data limited, and that producing large, multimodal, and complex datasets will, with the help of advanced data analysis algorithms, lead to fundamental insights into the way the brain processes information. These datasets do not yet exist, and if they did we would have no way of evaluating whether or not the algorithmically-generated insights were sufficient or even correct. To address this, here we take a classical microprocessor as a model organism, and use our ability to perform arbitrary experiments on it to see if popular data analysis methods from neuroscience can elucidate the way it processes information. Microprocessors are among those artificial information processing systems that are both complex and that we understand at all levels, from the overall logical flow, via logical gates, to the dynamics of transistors. We show that the approaches reveal interesting structure in the data but do not meaningfully describe the hierarchy of information processing in the microprocessor. This suggests current analytic approaches in neuroscience may fall short of producing meaningful understanding of neural systems, regardless of the amount of data. Additionally, we argue for scientists using complex non-linear dynamical systems with known ground truth, such as the microprocessor as a validation platform for time-series and structure discovery methods.

Towards Machine Learning on the Automata Processor

A variety of applications employ ensemble learning models, using a collection of decision trees, to quickly and accurately classify an input based on its vector of features. In this paper, we discuss the implementation of such a method, namely Random Forests, as the first machine learning algorithm to be executed on the Automata Processor (AP). The AP is an upcoming reconfigurable co-processor accelerator which supports the execution of numerous automata in parallel against a single input data-flow. Owing to this execution model, our approach is fundamentally different, translating Random Forest models from existing memory-bound tree-traversal algorithms to pipelined designs that use multiple automata to check all of the required thresholds independently and in parallel. We also describe techniques to handle floating-point feature values which are not supported in the native hardware, pipelining of the execution stages, and compression of automata for the fastest execution times. The net result is a solution which when evaluated using two applications, namely handwritten digit recognition and sentiment analysis, produce up to 63 and 93 times speed-up respectively over single-core state-of-the-art CPU-based solutions. We foresee these algorithmic techniques to be useful not only in the acceleration of other applications employing Random Forests, but also in the implementation of other machine learning methods on this novel architecture.

Kernel Latent Space Models for understanding neural connectomes

It has now become possible to map the synaptic connectivity of neural circuitry at the cellular resolution using electron microscopy [1]. In this work, we present a new class of models for the analysis of connectomic data. Many theories of neural computation propose specic patterns of neural connectivity tied to the tuning properties of neurons. We propose an extension to traditional latent space models [2] to uncover continuous hidden structure in these connectomes, such as the neural tuning property of a neuron and the function that determines neural connectivity. Our scalable model provides the exibility to recover structure in both directed and undirected graphs. We demonstrate our model on synthetic connectomes and on the recently published mouse retinal connectome.

Crosscat: A fully bayesian nonparametric method for analyzing heterogeneous, high dimensional data

There is a widespread need for statistical methods that can analyze high-dimensional datasets without imposing restrictive or opaque modeling assumptions. This paper describes a domain-general data analysis method called CrossCat. CrossCat infers multiple non-overlapping views of the data, each consisting of a subset of the variables, and uses a separate nonparametric mixture to model each view. CrossCat is based on approximately Bayesian inference in a hierarchical, nonparametric model for data tables. This model consists of a Dirichlet process mixture over the columns of a data table in which each mixture component is itself an independent Dirichlet process mixture over the rows; the inner mixture components are simple parametric models whose form depends on the types of data in the table. CrossCat combines strengths of mixture modeling and Bayesian network structure learning. Like mixture modeling, CrossCat can model a broad class of distributions by positing latent variables, and produces representations that can be efficiently conditioned and sampled from for prediction. Like Bayesian networks, CrossCat represents the dependencies and independencies between variables, and thus remains accurate when there are multiple statistical signals. Inference is done via a scalable Gibbs sampling scheme; this paper shows that it works well in practice. This paper also includes empirical results on heterogeneous tabular data of up to 10 million cells, such as hospital cost and quality measures, voting records, unemployment rates, gene expression measurements, and images of handwritten digits. CrossCat infers structure that is consistent with accepted findings and common-sense knowledge in multiple domains and yields predictive accuracy competitive with generative, discriminative, and model-free alternatives.

Fast algorithm for 3D localization through scattering media: forward model and physics

We propose a physics model for volumetric scattering that leads to a fast algorithm for localizing point emitters in 3D. The input is a high-resolution 4D phase-space measurement. Our algorithm has small complexity for solving atomic norm based inverse problems with Terabyte-sized 4D datasets, enabling us to run our solver in almost real-time.

3D imaging in volumetric scattering media using phase-space measurements

We demonstrate the use of phase-space imaging for 3D localization of multiple point sources inside scattering material. The effect of scattering is to spread angular (spatial frequency) information, which can be measured by phase space imaging. We derive a multi-slice forward model for homogenous volumetric scattering, then develop a reconstruction algorithm that exploits sparsity in order to further constrain the problem. By using 4D measurements for 3D reconstruction, the dimensionality mismatch provides significant robustness to multiple scattering, with either static or dynamic diffusers. Experimentally, our high-resolution 4D phase-space data is collected by a spectrogram setup, with results successfully recovering the 3D positions of multiple LEDs embedded in turbid scattering media.

Automatic discovery of cell types and microcircuitry from neural connectomics

Neural connectomics has begun producing massive amounts of data, necessitating new analysis methods to discover the biological and computational structure. It has long been assumed that discovering neuron types and their relation to microcircuitry is crucial to understanding neural function. Here we developed a non-parametric Bayesian technique that identifies neuron types and microcircuitry patterns in connectomics data. It combines the information traditionally used by biologists in a principled and probabilistically coherent manner, including connectivity, cell body location, and the spatial distribution of synapses. We show that the approach recovers known neuron types in the retina and enables predictions of connectivity, better than simpler algorithms. It also can reveal interesting structure in the nervous system of Caenorhabditis elegans and an old man-made microprocessor. Our approach extracts structural meaning from connectomics, enabling new approaches of automatically deriving anatomical insights from these emerging datasets.

Scaling Nonparametric Bayesian Inference via Subsample-Annealing

We describe an adaptation of the simulated annealing algorithm to nonparametric clustering and related probabilistic models. This new algorithm learns nonparametric latent structure over a growing and constantly churning subsample of training data, where the portion of data subsampled can be interpreted as the inverse temperature β(t) in an annealing schedule. Gibbs sampling at high temperature (i.e., with a very small subsample) can more quickly explore sketches of the final latent state by (a) making longer jumps around latent space (as in block Gibbs) and (b) lowering energy barriers (as in simulated annealing). We prove subsample annealing speeds up mixing time N^2 →N in a simple clustering model and exp (N) →N in another class of models, where N is data size. Empirically subsample-annealing outperforms naive Gibbs sampling in accuracy-per-wallclock time, and can scale to larger datasets and deeper hierarchical models. We demonstrate improved inference on million-row subsamples of US Census data and network log data and a 307-row hospital rating dataset, using a Pitman-Yor generalization of the Cross Categorization model.

Building fast Bayesian computing machines out of intentionally stochastic, digital parts

The brain interprets ambiguous sensory information faster and more reliably than modern computers, using neurons that are slower and less reliable than logic gates. But Bayesian inference, which underpins many computational models of perception and cognition, appears computationally challenging even given modern transistor speeds and energy budgets. The computational principles and structures needed to narrow this gap are unknown. Here we show how to build fast Bayesian computing machines using intentionally stochastic, digital parts, narrowing this efficiency gap by multiple orders of magnitude. We find that by connecting stochastic digital components according to simple mathematical rules, one can build massively parallel, low precision circuits that solve Bayesian inference problems and are compatible with the Poisson firing statistics of cortical neurons. We evaluate circuits for depth and motion perception, perceptual learning and causal reasoning, each performing inference over 10,000+ latent variables in real time - a 1,000x speed advantage over commodity microprocessors. These results suggest a new role for randomness in the engineering and reverse-engineering of intelligent computation.

Stochastic Architectures for Probabilistic Computation

The brain interprets ambiguous sensory information faster and more reliably than modern computers, using neurons that are slower and less reliable than logic gates. But Bayesian inference, which is at the heart of many models for sensory information processing and cognition, as well as many machine intelligence systems, appears computationally challenging, even given modern transistor speeds and energy budgets. The computational principles and structures needed to narrow this gap are unknown. Here I show how to build fast Bayesian computing machines using intentionally stochastic, digital parts, narrowing this efficiency gap by multiple orders of magnitude.

By connecting stochastic digital components according to simple mathematical rules, it is possible to rapidly, reliably and accurately solve many Bayesian inference problems using massively parallel, low precision circuits. I show that our circuits can solve problems of depth and motion perception, perceptual learning and causal reasoning via inference over 10,000+ latent variables in real time — a 1,000x speed advantage over commodity microprocessors – by exploiting stochasticity.

I will show how this natively stochastic approach follows naturally from the probability algebra, giving rise to easy-to-understand rules for abstraction and composition. I have developed a compiler that automatically generate circuits for a wide variety of problems fixed-structure problems. I then present stochastic computing architectures for models that are viable even when constrained by silicon area and dynamic creation and destruction of random variables. These results thus expose a new role for randomness and Bayesian inference in the engineering and reverse-engineering of computing machines.

Cross-Categorization: A Method for Discovering Multiple Overlapping Clusterings

Model-based clustering techniques, including inference in Dirichlet process mixture models, have difficulty when different dimensions are best explained by very different clusterings. We introduce cross-categorization, an unsupervised learning technique that overcomes this basic limitation. Based on MCMC inference in a novel nonparametric Bayesian model, cross-categorization automatically discovers the number of independent nonparametric Bayesian models needed to explain the data, using a separate Dirichlet process mixture model for each group in an inferred partition of the dimensions. Unlike a DP mixture, our model is exchangeable over both the rows of a heterogeneous data array (the samples) and the columns (new dimensions), and can model any dataset as the number of samples and dimensions both go to infinity. We demonstrate the efficiency and robustness of our algorithm, including experiments on the full Dartmouth Health Atlas dataset without any preprocessing, showing that it finds veridical causal structure.

Exact and Approximate Sampling by Systematic Stochastic Search

We introduce adaptive sequential rejection sampling, an algorithm for generating exact samples from high-dimensional, discrete distributions, building on ideas from classical AI search. Just as systematic search algorithms like A* recursively build complete solutions from partial solutions, sequential rejection sampling recursively builds exact samples over high-dimensional spaces from exact samples over lower-dimensional subspaces. Our algorithm recovers widely-used particle filters as an approximate variant without adaptation, and a randomized version of depth first search with backtracking when applied to deterministic problems. In this paper, we present the mathematical and algorithmic underpinnings of our approach and measure its behavior on undirected and directed graphical models, obtaining exact and approximate samples in a range of situations.

Stochastic Digital Circuits for Probabilistic Inference

We introduce combinational stochastic logic, an abstraction that generalizes deterministic digital circuit design (based on Boolean logic gates) to the probabilistic setting. We show how this logic can be combined with techniques from contemporary digital design to generate stateless and stateful circuits for exact and approximate sampling from a range of probability distributions. We focus on Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithms for Markov random fields, using massively parallel circuits. We implement these circuits on commodity reconfigurable logic and estimate the resulting performance in time, space and price. Using our approach, these simple and general algorithms could be affordably run for thousands of iterations on models with hundreds of thousands of variables in real time..